We'll Never Solve...

I can't tell you anything interesting about today, but that I finally found the time to stop by the health department to renew my food handler's card.  Once you've taken the class, you are able to renew by watching a PowerPoint presentation and then taking a 20 question test on a computer.  Spoiler Alert:  I scored a 100%.  Second spoiler alert:  one shouldn't cut up a raw chicken and then use the same knife and cutting board to cut up lettuce.  Third spoiler alert:  one shouldn't sneeze into their hands and then mix up a few pounds of ground beef to make a meatloaf.  And final spoiler alert:  one shouldn't clean the toilet with a towel and then use that towel to clean the dining tables.  GAH.  Simply knowing those facts need to be isolated onto their own PowerPoint slides with a short video to drive home the salient points makes me never want to eat out again.  I really wanted to ask the person printing out my new card if anyone ever fails the test, but I was afraid of the answer.  (And as a side note, you have to wear earphones for the computer presentation but I would bet you $5 that no one cleaned those earphones before I took the test or after I finished the test and returned them to their home by the computer.  It would be sort of funny if it weren't so ironic.  And gross.) After the computer test is finished, you are given the opportunity to leave feedback.  I did consider leaving comments that perhaps the county could save money by not producing videos for PowerPoint presentations of poor chicken prep skills.  Rather, the county could simply just contract with Jeanne by dropping her off randomly at restaurants for her famous 54 point commercial kitchen inspection.  Between you and I, her reactions to even 10% of the things I saw in that video today would be EPIC.  I ended up keeping those thoughts to myself, but I did mention the whole "sanitize the earphones" thing because I just couldn't help it.

Speaking of Jeanne, she called me at least twice today and I missed it both times.  But then I immediately called her back and she didn't answer.  It's almost like she calls me, I don't answer, and she just rolls her window down and throws her phone right out it.  Whatever happens in those 15 seconds is a mystery we'll never solve...