Supermarket Sweep...

A few of our regular customers stopped by today and commented on how calm it seemed in PJP Buttonwood, considering that in six short days we will have baked 1,000 pies over the span of 48 hours. Trust me, it is all a ruse.  WE ARE FULL OF ANXIETY.  Basically, this is us looking at the order data...


(Bonus points though if you just referenced the Old 96er in your head...)

The most interesting thing about Thanksgiving (besides seeing how long we can go without sleep before crying) is that there is so little you can do to prepare for it besides just wait for it to happen.  We've talked about it so much that I couldn't even blog last night because I had NO WORDS left.  That never really happens to me, but I was seriously just out of them.  Mark that down as a major life event...

But other than talking a lot, you can't bake anything (obviously).  And you can't deviate from your normal non-Thanksgiving Thursday in November routine in the store.  I did order 1,000 bags from our paper supply company, who then immediately called and asked if I had a typo in my text message...because ONE THOUSAND BAGS.  But nope, I've been to the rodeo that features overnighting boxes, bags, and tins and thanks, but no thanks.  I ordered extra of everything for sanity's sake (well really for the sake of shipping charges, which is actually directly related to my sanity.)

And while I was basically on a Supermarket Sweep of stocking our store, I ordered a massive amount of groceries from Sysco to be delivered tomorrow.  I'll just scratch "order 100 pounds of pumpkin" right on off the bucket list.  We also expect around 300 pounds of apples, 400 pounds of flour, and 180 pounds of pecans to be delivered, just for starters.  (I'll spare you the rest of the list unless you are someone who likes the details behind how buttermilk comes packaged...spoiler alert, it is hard to find it by the gallon.)  So look, whatever happens next week...I guarantee that we will be more adequately stocked with supplies than ever before.  And that feels like two small steps forward, right?

I did find myself wide awake at 4 am this morning...not because I needed to get up to go bake, but because my mind was so full and the time to just think with no distraction has been so sparse.  I solved nothing in the hour that I laid there, but I did concentrate on how to avoid any major steps backward next week.  My only solid plans are to take deep breaths and make peace with the fact that we won't sleep for a few days.  Oh, and to buy vodka for the celebratory Dirty Shirley when we come out on the other side...