Our Speciality

For the better part of yesterday morning, my Apple watch continually chimed alerts that my heart rate was far beyond the normal range for me. Apple calls it “a health alert”. I call it “anxiety”. So I went to PJP Nifong and did a whole litany of items that had low-key been irritating me. This includes: peeling the remaining cove base off of the walls; pulling old paper towel and soap dispensers off the wall, removing the ceiling panels painted different colors, and finally - sweeping the entire space. So lame, I know. But I felt better after it was done (no word on if any of the electricians noticed the floor had been cleaned and also, I hope no one was coming back for the half-empty bottle of Dr. Pepper.)

When I haven’t been practicing deep breathing, here is a few other things to know:

  1. This week, we are overcommitted and understaffed. That’s our speciality, you know?

  2. This afternoon, I did spent a few hours working through our storage room (otherwise known as our bathroom). For such a small space, we’ve done a tremendous job of hoarding stuff we don’t need. The garage sale pile for August 11th is growing steadily, especially for those of you in the market for crafting supplies.

  3. We did purchase lockers for PJP Nifong so that employees can have a secure place for their keys, phones, purses, and backpacks without cluttering up the storage under our front counter. That isn’t interesting really, but it made us feel legit to address the ongoing issue of where everyone should keep their stuff.

  4. Tomorrow night is our final Epic Pie Tasting at PJP Buttonwood available to the public (we do have one final private tasting scheduled in August). It sold out in less than an hour, so we are going out with a final flourish. We’ve decided that when we host our first tasting at PJP Nifong, we are going to find everyone who attended that first one in the summer of 2014.

  5. And finally, we made up some mystery gift bags today. Each bag has a tea towel and a Papyrus greeting card for $10. The towels themselves are $10 and the Papyrus cards are $7.95, so it’s a deal. And in one of the bags we made, there is a $10 gift card to PJP.
