Tums. And Cocktail Napkins.

I realized earlier today that there are, in fact, only two Mondays left in 2016.  Thankfully, I don't really have time just yet to be maudlin about it all (but give me about 10 days and I'll be right on that.)  We've reached that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas where the significant thing happening is that EVERYTHING is happening...all at once, and at a frightening speed.  Here are the highlights:

  1. If you've stopped by PJP Buttonwood in the last six weeks or so, you might have noticed that we haven't had Gooseberry Pie in stock in a sweet forever.  That's because there is some sort of national gooseberry shortage.  (I can't even fathom how that happens, actually...but I find it curious.  This is why I should never be a person with a lot of money and time to waste because I would launch a full-scale Dateline Investigation into how a supplier just RUNS OUT of gooseberries.)
  2. Speaking of investigations, we discovered today that our dumpster was piled high with a broken water heater, an old ladder, and all the detritus from an old storage container (including a few hundred cocktail napkins customized with "Heather & Casey, November 28, 1996").  SO MANY QUESTIONS.  We did report the illegal dumping to the police, who arrived to dig through and see what they could find to locate the perpetrators.  So, Heather & Casey...I guess be on notice.  Or Heather & Casey...someone stole all of your old cocktail napkins.
  3. In happier news, the die we had made for our tarts to use in our pie press arrived today.  That sounds like a terribly uninteresting sentence, but it will revolutionize PJP in 2017.  AND WE CANNOT WAIT.
  4. Our final two baking parties of 2016 are booked for this week.  We rounded out the year with over 100 events on the calendar, making PJP Buttonwood just the most fun place in town for a night out.  (Or at least in the category of places that don't sell booze.)
  5. And finally, a lot of people ask what Team PJP does to celebrate the holiday season together.  And the short answer is well, NOTHING.  Because we have lots of pies to bake for shipping and gifts and special events.  So on January 6th, we are celebrating Olde Christmas and everyone is bringing their signature dish...but no desserts allowed.  I'm not sure what to expect, but I feel as the employers that Jeanne and I should not only bring our signature dishes, but also Tums.  And cocktail napkins...thanks, Heather & Casey.tumblr_mdvtm7arop1ql6amjo1_500