Waxing Poetic

It’s time again to take a deep dive into our Google analytics to see which keyword searches landed visitors on the World Pie Domination blog site. As always, the results never fail to disappoint:

  1. Walk.-In Freezer: Look, there is no one on the face of this earth that wants a commercial walk-In freezer than Jeanne Plumley. And by proxy, there is no one on the face of this earth that knows more about the costs associated with a commercial walk-in freezer than me. Let it be known.

  2. What Does Wax Poetic Mean?: Sigh. That is such a good phrase and I every time one of my children use it casually in conversation, I feel a small parenting win.

  3. 154 Days From Now: I just looked up the date 154 days from now and held my breath that it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving because that would have just been creepy that Google knew my most of thought of day of the year. But rest easy, it’s July 26th and I can’t think of anything crazy happening at PJP on July 26th. At least I can’t yet.

  4. Peggy Phillpott: I don’t know Peggy Phillpot and I googled her with little results. I do like an alliteration name though, so there’s that.

  5. Truskin Vitamin C Serum: If ever the world needed to be doused in a hydrating round of Vitamin C serum, it’s now. Think how much less grouchy we would be if everyone’s skin was plump with hyaluronic acid, Witch Hazel, and JoJoba oil.

  6. Dead Bird Omen: Spoiler Alert: It means frozen pipes. Or possible death, according to Jeanne.

  7. Freezer Trailers: Jeanne’s second favorite topic, immediately after walk-in freezers. Well, I guess third - I forgot about Gunsmoke.

  8. Matriarchy Blog: It’s all about the matriarchy.

  9. Chocolate Cream Pie delivery: This is the only flavor for delivery I’ve ever seen come through on our search term analytics. It’s odd, no? Someone is sitting at home and is all “welp, sure wish someone would drive a chocolate pie to my house.” Which, I guess is what DoorDash and all the rest build their business model on, so what do I really know.

  10. Housekeeping Blog: I’ve watched a lot of house cleaning TikToks for the inside scoop from pros because sometimes I just can’t get on board with cleaning around the toilet with a razor blade like my mother suggests. And then it occurred to me, Jeanne could be making MILLIONS out of the TikTok creator fund after her razor blade instruction series goes viral. And then she could buy a walk-In freezer and we all win.
