Short Answer

Today was approximately 912 hours long at PJP. The details are mundane at best, but here is what I firmly believe: on occasion, the universe needs to remind me that successfully growing a business is two steps forward and one step back. So just when we are certain we’ve got all of our ducks in a row, we have a day where nothing goes according to plan. (Actually, my plan was to be in Dallas this evening for a long weekend at the Dallas Gift Market - one of my favorite weekends of the year - but I ended up changing my plans last night. Thankfully so - today I needed to be at PJP, plus be accessible to Jeanne as her husband deals with some health issues. In short, everyone needed me today, so I’m happy I was here and not in Texas.)

So let’s hit the highs and lows of the day:

  1. Our food supply truck was diverted to Quincy, Illinois because of mechanical issues. I actually asked if we could meet it somewhere and unload the 60 pounds of chicken we need for savory pies, plus the pan liners we are desperately short of. Short answer: no.

  2. We realized we’ve been paying a gas bill since moving to PJP Nifong, despite not actually having any gas appliances. It turns out it is the cost of having the gas meter. I actually asked if we needed the meter, despite having no gas appliances. Short answer: yes.

  3. I filled in on the fruit table today, and that’s seriously one of my least favorite things to do. I called Jeanne to ask if she was really convinced that each type of fruit pie needed a specialized lattice. Short answer: yes.

  4. Yesterday I washed all of our oven mitts with approximately five Tide pods to banish away all the baked on fruit filling. Today I asked if anyone noticed how amazing the mitts looked. Short answer: no.

  5. And finally, it looks like PJP West End might be cleared for final city inspection late next week. I asked Jason if we should be absolutely terrified of all the changes coming our way in the next few weeks as we transition to people with two stores instead of one store. Short answer: yes.