Oh. Oh No.

If you follow our Instagram, then you know that the Dumpster War with our neighbor has only intensified this week. This morning we found a note taped to our back door that read: “Everyone here pays for dumpsters there’s not free to share GET ONE!”


So, for starters, I guess that a note is better than finding another bag of our garbage opened in front of our back door. You wouldn’t believe how long it takes to pick up egg shells from 10 dozen eggs. Also, it will basically take a monsoon to wash away the condensed milk spills from our back door mat.

But, holy smokes, the grammar of that note hurt my soul a little. And also, we pay $138.07 a month to use that dumpster, so we know “there’s not free to share”. Ahem.

Thankfully, The Kroenke Group property manager intervened on our behalf and called the city to verify that we do in fact share the dumpster with Subway and that we each share the monthly fee equally to use the dumpster. And if this all sounds like the most elementary school argument you’ve ever heard, you wouldn’t be wrong.

In other non-related garbage news:

  1. We’ve decided to close Thanksgiving Day, Friday, and Saturday. That’s a bit of a change but we will bake more than any other Thanksgiving in PJP history, plus we will be on the cusp of opening PJP West End, so we are going to need a day or two - or three - to take a breath and settle ourselves.

  2. We’ve rolled over 1,000 Thanksgiving orders. And we are just three weeks out from the big day. Gulp. The amount of work to be done in the next three weeks is astounding.

  3. Not to mention the amount of garbage we will create in the next three weeks. Oh. Oh no.