Jeanne-ology: Christmas

Well, no one could be more surprised than me when Jeanne texted to say she emailed over her Jeanne-ology series for this week. And that is because this week WAS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. I am super worn out, so I know that she is as well. Heck, all of Team PJP is super worn out…but we still laughed a lot this week, so that’s something. Enjoy Jeanne’s thoughts! - Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers!  This week is passing quickly and I cannot believe that Christmas is so close.  Am I prepared?  Of course not!  So many last minute things that need attention and I am wondering where I can find the time with the shop being so busy.  Rebecca says that we need to work on Sunday!  Geez,  I need to clean our house, do several loads of laundry, wrap presents, and shop for Christmas dinner.  I don't know how it will work out, I just know that it will. (Rebecca editing to add: no one - and I mean NO ONE - in retail wants to work the Sunday before Christmas. But it is most necessary to be prepared for our hundreds of orders on the 23rd. The upside of learning and becoming better at what we do is the discovery of harsh realities, like working on an off day makes the whole next day much better.)

My husband's family is going to show up at our house on Christmas eve, all 24 of them!  They want it to be a surprise. Thankfully, one of the family members gave us a head's up so that we can be prepared.  It is beyond me why you would just show up unannounced on Christmas eve.  If we didn't know, they would find my husband and I in our lounging wear, drinking some wine and beer with no big dinner plans. I consider it not a  surprise but more of a Christmas Eve nightmare.  One way or another, we will weather through it, I guess.  Should I prepare dinner?  I don't know, it is suppose to be a surprise so should I have a huge meal ready?  Any thoughts? (Rebecca editing to add: This entire situation confuses me. That’s all I have to say.)

Christmas day has been planned and Rebecca and the family are coming to our house for dinner and games.  I already know the menu and look forward for family time.  (Rebecca editing to add: Remember that we live across the road from each other, so it is more “meandering over” than anything else. But I can’t think of the last time I’ve seen her that wasn’t at PJP, so that will be a nice change.)

Today, we bought the last Christmas tree on the lot.  It looks a lot like a Charlie Brown tree because it is the tree no one wanted. It was standing there all alone and sad.  Hopefully, the lights and ornaments will make the tree look fuller than it really is.  Maybe know one will notice that the back branches are a little bare.  I suspect the grand kids will be shocked to see the tree.  Maybe they won't say anything but just roll their eyes.  They know their MawMaw is a little strange.  (Rebecca editing to add: Her strangeness is her endearing quality. I could tell my kids anything about their MawMaw and they would be completely unfazed.)

Christmas day is supposed to be warmer, I just hope it is cloudy.  I want all the Christmas lights to brighten our family time together. My husband is hoping for a sixty degree day with full sunshine.  The only thing I can say is that one of us will be disappointed. (Rebecca editing to add: 60 and sunny is going to make me salty. I haven’t had carbs or two days off in a row from PJP since June, so I’m going to need it to be dark and cloudy and cold so that I can sip Bailey’s in my coffee by the fire.)

To sum up my thoughts, Christmas is about family and blessings.  Whether a whole clan shows up unannounced doesn't really matter.  And if the Christmas tree is sad looking, that is alright.  Once Christmas eve and Christmas day is over, we will all be blessed to share the holidays with family. (Rebecca editing to add: WELL SAID.)

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