Jeanne-ology: I Took It Over

Well, Jeanne sent me a blog and I’m completely hijacking it for TWO BREAKING NEWS DEVELOPMENTS:

  1. So to begin with, one of our TikTok videos posted yesterday has now been viewed by 771,000 people at the time of writing this. It has grown by 9,000 in the last hour. WAIT, WHAT? I’m not sure what qualifies as viral, but we could be on the cusp and it couldn’t make us happier. The whole point of TikTok is completely pointless videos that look for some sort of charm and joy in our day at PJP when everything else seems so very uncertain. Team PJP, especially Anna, Emma, and my daughter - have put so much creative energy into fun ideas, so watching something so fun happen for them is a delight. If we wake up to one million views, I’m not even sure what we will do with ourselves. Except tell every person that will stand still long enough to listen to us from a socially acceptable six feet away.

  2. And in other big news (although, not as exciting as a viral video) is that we plan to begin delivery next Monday. I’ve purchased enough insurance for every member of Team PJP to safely deliver pies citywide. It was really important to us to be able to do this service in-house and not use a third party, so that less people are handling the bags and so that your pies arrive with all the love that can only be given by the people who actually make the pies. We are covered for the next 60 days and then if we are still in a pandemic (heavens, let’s hope not), the coverage extends. But all that really matters to you is that a) we are delivering starting Monday, and b) we are NOT charging a delivery fee. To keep some sort of control over what we are doing and keeping our already small staff from zigzagging all over town, we will only deliver between 2 pm and 5 pm daily. You’ll call the store to order and pay and then a super sweet Team PJP member will arrive in the afternoon. We are happy to bring dessert pies, savory pies, and merchandise even. There are probably one million details left to sort out that I haven’t thought of, but I’m distracted by the thought of 1,000,000 million people watching our TikTok. And plus, we’ve never been in a pandemic before and delivered pies and neither have you, so we will figure it out together as we go along. We just hope this is a help to our customers. We will post more details to Facebook in the coming days.

  3. Oh, and before I forget, tomorrow is our first Epic Pie Tasting (Pandemic Style). It sold out in 12 minutes. So we opened a second and third date, selling both out in under 20 minutes. Next week we will release a fourth date to cover that last week of April. And then we will see. Because everything these days is on a let’s-wait-and-see basis. Like TikTok views. Ahem.
