I'll Be Happy

Late this afternoon, I stopped by my regular nail salon to get a pedicure and found the ownership completely gone and replaced by a completely new staff. I was just there last week for a manicure and nothing was awry. In fact, I’ve been there almost every other week for at least five years and now the staff we knew so well is just gone. Isn’t that odd? Now I’m literally going to wonder forever what happened and why. Did they just decide they were over their unrelenting work schedule that comes with a no appointment necessary nail salon and sell it off? We will never know. (But if it is true, I send them all the best wishes for a non-seven day a week work schedule life. They’ve earned it.)

Minus my nail drama, here is what else is going on:

  1. Easter was our first big holiday with two stores and we were fairly anxious about how it would play out over Friday and Saturday. Thankful, all went exceptionally well. Easter always sneaks up on us as busier than I remember - until this year. We remembered and planned accordingly…plus the addition of a second store took some of the pressure off PJP NIfong as the sole pickup location.

  2. We are going to take another major first step later this week - our family is going to leave Columbia early Friday morning and return Sunday night. We haven’t taken a break from the six day week at PJP since last summer and I think - well, I know - that burn out is on the horizon for us all. I know we are leaving both stores in the best of hands for 36 hours, but I’M CONTROLLING, THEREFORE I AM STRESSED.

  3. I just finished watching the Abercombie & Fitch documentary on Netflix. If you ever stood in an Abercrombie store in the early 2000s and felt bad about yourself, you should watch. And even if you didn’t, Abercrombie’s continual practice of discrimination is unlike anything you could imagine.

  4. Though at one point in the documentary, a person explains on camera what a mall is. He refers to it as a physical catalog of items, as a place where you can go to look at items in person. WHAT? It made me feel 100 years old, but malls still exist. Do we need to explain what they are already?

  5. And finally, our office door at PJP West is FINALLY going to be installed next week. It was ordered last September. That’s a nine month wait for a door, if you are keeping track. Since I have an exceptionally high threshold for being surprised by anything these days, I’ll just be happy to see it when it arrives.