Do We Think?

For whatever reason, I had never watched Breaking Bad in its entirety, despite the massive cultural following of the show. So now that I’m a month in and starting Season Four, I can say two things with certainty: A) That show is not for the sensitive folks AT ALL, and B) now every time I think of our weekly laundry service, I just think of the commercial laundry facility used as a front for meth production in the show. (And I’m in no way saying our laundry vendor hides drugs, I’m just saying that I didn’t know how commercial towels and mop heads were washed and now I wished I never knew.) This is just a long way of saying that I’m knee deep in Mexican cartel story lines lately, so when I read that we are experiencing an avocado and lime crisis because of the cartels, I thought: WELP, THAT IS STRESSFUL. ALSO, I’M GLAD WE DON’T USE AVOCADOS OR LIMES IN ANYTHING BECAUSE I DON’T NEED ONE MORE OBSTACLE LATELY. Ahem.

So, here’s what else is going on:

  1. Pie box stickers were in April they were .42 cents each and now they are .78 cents each and that seems as suspicious as avocados, really. Except I guess the pie box sticker market is much more niche.

  2. I had to get a cortisone shot in my foot and I said to the orthopedic doctor that feet are really a niche market for doctors and he said pies are niche for bakeries. Touche. I bet his niche pays better (but my niche is more interesting).

  3. I don’t think we’ve discussed it here, but a few weeks ago we enjoyed the annual Best of Columbia party for the gold metal winners. We are always beyond honored to be chosen by our community - we can’t even put words to how much we appreciate the recognition for our work in the dessert category.

  4. And to see all the other categories represented is always 10/10. I’m always appreciative of the hustle, regardless of the industry.

  5. A in true proof that vacation is over, my daughter and I spent a glamorous afternoon today playing a living game of Tetris in the Nifong hallway. So much stuff, especially from Dallas Mart, and so little space. This is probably why I needed a cortisone shot. Do we think if I get a doctor’s note that The Kroenke Group will let us have our shipping container back?