Darn Well

It’s time again to take a deep dive into our Google analytics to see which keyword searches landed visitors on the World Pie Domination blog site. As always, the results never fail to disappoint:

  1. Pie Jeans: What do we think this person was really looking for? Jeans with pies on them? Jeans to wear while baking pies? My vote is plain black leggings.

  2. Pie in a Jar Company: I take odd satisfaction in being known as the “pie in a jar company” because pies in a jar aren’t easy to make by any account. That said, we sent out thousands in December and if there is going to be a Google result for “pie in a jar company”, it darn well better be us.

  3. Pie for Family: Honestly, I can’t think of a single pie that isn’t for family…that’s one of the many perks of pie. And our whole family makes pie, so…

  4. Criminal Pie: Why do I hear this to the tune of Michael Jackson’s“Smooth Criminal”?

  5. Hello Peggy: Why do I hear this to the tune of Lionel Richie’s “Hello”?

  6. Watchful Eye: Why do I hear this to the tune of Elvis’ “Suspicious Minds”?

  7. Pop Raspberry Primer. This is a lipstick with primer included from Clinique. ADD. TO. CART. Google knows me well.

  8. West End Blog: Someone just asked me what we are doing for the first birthday celebration for PJP West End. Most likely the same as PJP Buttonwood…nothing. Because we have pies to bake.

  9. Blog Jeanne: She hasn’t blogged in here in weeks. That’s partly because we’ve been so busy and then she’s tired and keeps a strict 5:30 pm bedtime. It’s also because she literally never knows what day it is because it doesn’t matter to her. That is equal parts awe inspiring…and equal parts terrifying.

  10. Domination Near Me: Woof. That took a sudden turn. I bet they found this content disappointing.