25 Episodes...

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that I’ve never played any organized sports…not even in elementary or middle school. While I had friends on the soccer field at 7 am on Saturdays, you would find me happily reading at home. I always liked the idea of being on a sports team, but it wasn’t in my skill set. (I was perpetually last picked in gym class and then usually relegated to the least needed team member.) So the irony that I’m now in charge of Team PJP is not lost on me. Yesterday I baked at both locations and covered the front counter at Nifong. Most are my days just include filling in on our short spots, so I’m basically the pinch hitter for Team PJP. So the moral of the story is that if you are picked last in gym in middle school, you too might be in charge of 28 other people some day. You won’t be any better at athletics, but you will eventually be part of a team.

Here’s what else is going on:

  1. We were super busy over the past weekend. Mizzou graduation and Mother’s Day is the best for business in Columbia. And we love all the sweet kids that come in to shop for their moms. And all the shoppers that stop by in their graduation gowns to celebrate.

  2. Jeanne is pretty easy to please on Mother’s Day. She just wants to be left alone to watch her shows. She’s on a deep dive through Korean television on Netflix. She sits on her screened-in porch and watches. I was over there today and tried to watch a few minutes, but I don’t get it. For someone with ADHD, I have no idea how she sits still for subtitles.

  3. Jason has been busy building a training module for all of the intricacies of working the front register and now he’s ready for all of my input. It’s so hard to cover all the scenarios that might arise. By no fault of their own, some of our youngest employees don’t know how to use a landline telephone because they’ve never had one in their home. If that doesn’t make you feel 100 years old, I don’t know what will.

  4. Before I forget, May’s Epic Pie Tasting is scheduled for next Thursday and just a few tickets are left at each location via our website.

  5. Both locations will be closed on Memorial Day (Monday, May 29th). We haven’t been closed since our New Year's Day holiday break, so I’m certain I speak for. all of Team PJP when I say we will enjoy the day off. As for Jeanne, I promise you she will be deep into the library of Korean television. My best guess is she can watch 25 episodes over the long weekend….