Who Knows.

Nothing felt more like a Tuesday in January than this particular Tuesday in January. And while we weren’t really slow, there sure wasn’t much interesting happening at PJP. Unless you count that someone dug through the fiber connection to our entire building and everyone with a Socket connection lost phone and Internet for a few hours…which is really more disappointing than interesting.

Here’s all I have that is noteworthy:

  1. I inadvertently made Jeanne an addict to the TiKTok app. And if you aren’t familiar, it is an app with short-form videos that people all around the world post. You can waste a solid amount of time scrolling through the stuff people put on there, and I’m completely guilty of watching A LOT of dumb stuff on it. It’s nothing short of interesting, but I never suspected Jeanne would enjoy it as much as she has. Today I actually had to say to her “STOP WATCHING TIKTOK AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO” while she laughed until she cried at a series of videos of UPS delivery people trying to carry packages in an ice storm.

  2. And I guess after all that, now is a better time than ever to remind you to vote for Jeanne for Pastry Chef of the Year in the Feast 50 awards. I mean, really, who else is an expert level pie baker AND enjoys watching people wipe out while carrying Amazon Prime boxes? Ahem. (Oh, also PJP for Best Bakeshop while you are at it, please!)

  3. We leave to AtlantaMart on Thursday morning. I feel stress about leaving PJP Nifong, but am also super looking forward to it. And that’s entrepreneurship in a nutshell.

  4. And while are on a tear of thinking about travel, I booked us for a retail training institute in July. Jeanne presented a soliloquy of all the reasons we should go - mainly to learn more about the business of retail and to also step out of our comfort zone in the way we make some decisions - and I drank her kool-aid. But if there is some sort of role playing in small groups at that thing, I’m holding her responsible.

  5. Oh, I drove through the parking lot of PJP Buttonwood this morning after I got my coffee this morning at Starbucks and Tiger Bounce has fully occupied the space. They created a toddler area and for the most part, it looks the same as when we were there, right down to the front counter. I thought it might make me sad, but mainly I thought to myself “How did we ever accomplish so much in such a small space?”

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