The Answers You Need

It’s time again to take a deep dive into our Google analytics to see which keyword searches landed visitors on the World Pie Domination blog site. As always, the results never fail to disappoint:

  1. Golo Blog: I looked up “golo” and it is apparently a diet supplement that helps you lose weight and this sounds precisely like what Jeanne would order after watching countless episodes of Gunsmoke in one afternoon and seeing this advertisement 23 times. $19.99, plus shipping and handling. I still don’t know how that got people here.

  2. Scooby Doo Blog: He has a blog?

  3. Kentucky Fried Chicken Pot Pie: I’m presuming KFC sells pot pies, but all I can picture in my mind right now is a big fried drumstick in a pie and I’m not here for it. (Fun fact: Jeanne would probably list fried chicken on her list of top favorite foods and I would include it on my list of least favorite foods.)

  4. Chesterfield Outlet Mall: It’s like the Internet knows me too well.

  5. Missouri Magazine: We’ve been in some Missouri based magazines and that is super exciting. When I was a kid, I thought that being in People magazine would be the pinnacle of success. I still sorta do.

  6. Peggy from Supermarket Sweep: WHAT? Who is Peggy from Supermarket Sweep? I love that show and I don’t remember Peggy, so someone explain. I did read that a new version was being filmed ABC until Coronavirus put production on hold. Thanks a lot, pandemic.

  7. Square Feedback: When a customer leaves feedback on a receipt, I get a text. It’s the best way to ensure you are 1% on edge 100% of the time.

  8. Sephora Blog: That Columbia doesn’t have a Sephora is completely heartbreaking (and I won’t agree that the outpost in JC Penney’s actually counts).

  9. Funeral Pie: Jeanne tells us all that a raisin pie was created to sustain mourners ONE TIME on the blog and here we are in the Google analytics.

  10. Psychic Hotline: I’ll save myself $19.99 a minute and tell myself that tomorrow I’ll go PJP and make some pie and do a lot of stuff.
