
There isn’t much to report about an average Tuesday in a global pandemic, but here’s something: I drove all the way to PJP from my house, worked for an hour, drove to the dentist, and then drove back from the dentist to PJP. And then heard loud meowing when I got out of the car at PJP Nifong…because there were two kittens in my engine for the entire morning commute. I KNOW. Goodness. It could have ended terribly, but both babies are completely fine and reunited with their mom at our house. (We have a few outdoor cats on our seven acres and before anyone freaks out on me, the mom just showed up recently and we will trap her and have her spayed as soon as she can leave her kittens for a day. Then she can live a life of outdoor luxury with unending access to Meow Mix breakfast and dinner.)

So, here is a few other things not about kittens in engines:

  1. Our most popular TikTok video just rolled over 1.5 million views earlier today. We are going to go ahead and call ourselves TikTok famous with little to no shame. It has been the highlight of our spring.

  2. Add Key Lime juice to the growing list of supplies we are struggling to source in the midst of COVID-19. No one seems to have it and no one has an explanation. I did finally receive a shipping update on our larger bags we use for nine inch pies. They should ship on June 10th. Great!(?)

  3. I spent over an hour on the phone with UPS today to hook up a thermal printer and in the end, the poor guy couldn’t figure out how to get it to actually work. Just the thought of printing directly from ShipStation onto sticker labels gives my heart so much hope and joy that I refuse to give up. The help desk guy is calling me back tomorrow morning for Round Two of “Why Won’t This Printer Work”. I bet he isn’t as excited as I am.

  4. But it is just in time because we have another record week of Jelly Jar jar shipments leaving our storefront tomorrow. Years ago, we used to finish shipping right before the UPS store closed and I would take the boxes down there and pray they didn’t combust into flames from the hot jars. Now we finish pretty early in the day, so I hope I’m not cutting it close on drop off just because I want thermal printed labels with our logo on them. I’m not above it though.

  5. Oh, and I’m trying to be a better person lately by not micromanaging the creation of the morning baking schedule at PJP and letting the leads of the fruit and cream tables determine the plan for the day. It sounds easy enough, right? It isn’t. They do a wonderful job, ask questions, and listen to all of my advice. I’m just the worst at relinquishing control, but I’m working on it for the sake of my sanity (and Team PJP’s sanity.) Clearly, we can’t have a pie empire if I need to make the baking schedule at every single PJP location across the world…right? Remind me of this when we have multiple stores and I hatch a plan go to every single one by private jet and inspect the daily baking schedule.

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