Let's Catch Up

Generally around this time of year, I start to feel a lot of anticipation for all the work coming our way over the coming weeks. And considering we are working on a second store and have 55% more Thanksgiving orders than we did last year, THE ANTICIPATION IS REAL AROUND HERE.

So, let’s catch up:

  1. We had our electrical inspection on PJP West End yesterday and now we can start to hang drywall. And by we, I mean the drywall contractors.

  2. Our Vulcan ovens shipped today. I immediately googled “where are Vulcan ovens manufactured?” and silently prayed “please be made in America, please be made in America, please be in America” because the ship date has already been delayed twice and I don’t need four commercial convection ovens stuck in a shipping container in the ocean. Thankfully for us, they are made in Kentucky. Whew.

  3. Today, a Team PJP member mopped the entire kitchen floor without being asked and I’m not sure if my heart has ever been so full.

  4. We’ve also started to fill our storage container with a lot of boxes and pie tins. And today we tackled our hallway that was full of boxes of Christmas merchandise and organized it all between storage closets and the storage container. I can’t think of the last time the hallway was completely clear (which is terribly embarrassing), but we look like a whole new storefront.

  5. And finally, we’ve been working on a super fun and top secret project with Logboat Brewing. We will have all the details later this week, but we can’t even wait for you to see what we’ve created together. (Also, Jeanne turned a lot of knobs on some of their equipment there and that’s a whole separate post for another day…)