Just an Idea.

Well, let’s start with some good news - our plans for PJP West End were finally returned by the city planning office today. In short, the return means we didn’t pass…but with some minor tweaks by the architect and the engineering team, we should be able to resubmit next week. If I had a lot of spare time, I would do a Freedom of Information Act request to find out how many plans actually pass on the first review, but I would bet you that the answer is zero plans pass on the first submission. Though I expected the need to sacrifice the blood of my oldest child as an offering and so only receiving a few comments back is a solid win. We did stop by PJP West End today and filmed a progress video that you can watch on our Facebook or Instagram (and hey, even Joel McHale liked it).

Let’s see what else is going on:

  1. Speaking of Joel McHale - or rather, speaking of famous people following us - Itzhak Perlman started following PJP on Instagram. Wouldn’t you like to know how that happened? He was just watching Crime Scene Kitchen and thought “welp, these two seem fun” and searched us out on social media? He has 16 Grammy awards and has played violin for Queen Elizabeth and President Obama. And now he is watching videos of our new store. LOVE IT.

  2. You know who isn’t following us on Instagram? Curtis Stone. I fully blame Jeanne for this.

  3. Or Yolanda Gampp. Also, Jeanne’s fault. And do you want to know why? Primarily because Jeanne called her “Yoplait” the entire time and couldn’t remember that her name was Yolanda. I think that was edited from the show and I’m guessing the yogurt company didn’t care for the confusion. Nor did Yolanda.

  4. All that isn’t stopping us from tagging both Curtis and Yolanda in posts to come to our grand opening party at PJP West End. I feel like Curtis might enjoy himself here…he has a pie shop in Los Angeles and Jeanne hereby challenges him to a pie duel.

  5. Actually, that would be the greatest hour of reality television ever. Could you imagine? She’s already looked at his Instagram and judged his lattice work, so I imagine that would create tension and anxiety for the viewers (and me). There’s #bringbackrebeccaandjean on Instagram and I think whoever is running it needs to consider #jeanneversuscurtis. Or #pieduel. Or #whoiscurtisstone. Yoplait could sponsor the show. Just an idea.

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