Ice Cream Social

Historically, I’m not a super fan of August because it always feels like a busy month, yet with fairly slow sales. And the back-to-school routine is rough both as a mom and as an employer of mostly college age kids because everyone’s schedule changes and it takes a few weeks to adjust. Now that we throw a global pandemic into the mix, almost everyone on Team PJP is incorporating some element of online classes into their schedule. Everything feels like an unknown right now, so I’m trying to keep PJP as normal as possible. (It’s harder than you would guess.)

Here’s a few interesting things to note:

  1. Hopefully by now, you’ve seen the adorable American Apple pie wearing a face mask on our Facebook page and Instagram account. Isn’t it crazy to think that six months ago, we would have laughed at the idea of wearing masks everywhere we go…and now, they’ve become a fashion statement and we all own multiples? Emma always outdoes herself with pie art, but I’m guessing she never imagined she would make a pie wearing a mask.

  2. We are taking a bit of this slower time to work on a bit of a website refresh with our friends at Hoot Design and Silverbox Photography. Next week we will do updated headshots and some new interior photos of our sweet PJP Nifong. I’m mainly just looking forward to having some seriously good false eyelashes for a day (and for a day when I don’t have to worry about them being singed by oven heat).

  3. We are also installing a new cash drawer on our second register and completing the set up for both of our registers to talk to each other. And you think we might have done that before we opened last year, but hopefully you know us better than that by now.

  4. We are also happy to announce that we have switched all the pecans in our pies to pecans from a local Missouri producer. Kussman Family Farms delivered 150 pounds of pecans yesterday and that should last us a month or so (they might regret this partnership around Thanksgiving when we need like 600 pounds of pecans).

  5. And finally, on August 15th we are holding the first annual PJP Ice Cream Social. We are making hundreds of American Apple and Chocolate Chip Cookie tarts and serving the perfect scoop of Blue Bunny Vanilla Bean Ice Cream on top. Since we need to social distance at this ice cream social, we will put your pie and ice cream in a cute cup, add a spoon, and send you on your way to your car, your house, outside, or anywhere you want to be as long as you are safely six feet away from others. Each pie and ice cream combo is $5 and all the fun of something different to do on a Saturday is completely free.
