Hey, Santa...

So from making thousands of pies last week, we’ve swiftly moved into making hundreds of pies this week. Sounds about right. And no joke, no matter the daily baking schedule this week, every person on Team PJP jokingly says “welp, it can’t be any more difficult than last week”. TRUTH.

So here is a round up of all the interesting things that happened in the last week:

  1. Yesterday, our condensed milk arrived from our food broker and our normal brand had been substituted to one with pop-top lids. My threshold for joy is so low right now that the arrival of such a modern convenience has truly been one of the highlights of 2020. If you’ve ever opened multiple cans of condensed milk with a can opener and been sticky all over, then you are currently Googling how to get yourself some pop-top lid condensed milk cans. The brand is Goya and I will always hold them dear to my heart for this Christmas week surprise.

  2. We tussled last week with our neighbors to the east. And by tussled, I mean they returned all of our trash one day to our back door because they can’t settle on sharing a dumpster, even though the city makes us. 2021 goal planning: secure our own dumpster, despite the city’s stance on actively ignoring my pleas.

  3. Today a car parked in front of PJP and there was a huge dog sitting in the front seat with his head out of the sunroof and he was wearing a scarf. This basically stopped all motion at PJP because we are easily distracted, especially by dogs wearing knitted woolens. I went outside to take a picture and I said to a random guy walking by “Isn’t that the cutest thing ever?” and he said “NO”. Okay then. Grouchy, Party of One. He also probably returns people’s trash.

  4. We received 1,000 Jelly Jar shipping boxes today. Guess what we don’t have room for? 1,000 Jelly Jar shipping boxes. Would it be weird just to permanently park a U-Haul out back for extra things? And as a place to escape when everyone needs me and I have decision fatigue?

  5. And finally, Santa stopped by yesterday to shop for pie. I guess he’s making his list and checking it twice…
