
Well, despite all of our staffing woes and my general anxiety, our family is headed out tomorrow on summer vacation. Jeanne will be here leading the charge and she is under strict reminder to NOT MOW OR WEEDEAT HER YARD WHILE WE ARE GONE. Shouting intended. She has zero business outside in this heat when she is already working a lot (all worked up because we are gone and she really likes when all of her people are home).

Here’s what else is going on:

  1. Despite the heat and humidity, we’ve stayed busy this week and we are always thankful for that. We’ve had so many visitors stop by and mention we were totally new to them. Obviously, their visit is a great thing…but I’m always left wondering how that is possible when we are literally never quiet on the Internet?

  2. And speaking of the Internet, I’m going to carve out this space to say: LET’S STOP SAYING BOSS BABE. A publication reached out to me for commentary on boss babes today and I said, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. Until I see Don Draper holding a coffee mug with “boss hottie” on it in pink script, I can’t get on board. (But I’m always on board with Don Draper, mug or not.)

  3. We are in that summer lull before the fall semester starts at Mizzou, so we are readying Jason for the reality that just as he feels everyone is settled in…all the schedules will change. I can’t even hardly stand to break it to him. I’ll wait until after vacation when he is more relaxed.

4. In our absence next week, I’ve required that anyone running late must actually call Jeanne directly since she doesn’t read text messages. I’ve probably caused so much angst in our Gen Z workforce because they all despite the phone. I did say she doesn’t even text me and if she does, you see a five minute text bubble for the text to arrive and it says “OK”.

5. I’ve spent most of this week readying PJP for any low level crisis that might come Jeanne’s way, including spending $437 with a plumber on fixing our small leak from our erroneously cut sink piping. Because otherwise, I suspicion a Team PJP member would text me a picture of Jeanne hovered over the pipe with her knee pads on and a handsaw and a bucket of caulk. Guaranteed.

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