You've Got My Word

So, I didn’t mean to fall off the grid for the last few days, but I honestly can’t even tell you what the last three days have been like at PJP. HOLY SMOKES. I’m flat worn out and it is only Wednesday. Let’s break it down:

  1. For starters, a MASSIVELY LARGE deer found itself directly in the path of my 2018 Yukon this morning. It wasn’t there one second and the next second, he was wedged directly in my engine. No worries - I’m fine and actually, the deer got up and ran away (though leaving tufts of fur everywhere). Sigh. It was a rough start to the day for me. And the deer. And our insurance carrier.

  2. And then we shipped out over 100 packages of Jelly Jar pies. And no matter how long we’ve been doing this, 600 jelly jars slays our workflow EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ironically, one box was being sent to the Ball Corporation. (They make the jelly jars that we use.) I’m low key hopeful that the irony is not lost on them.

  3. Just as things took an upturn by the end of the day, I chipped a nail taking out the trash. That’s what I get for being a hands-on entrepreneur. And then my daughter called to report that our seven month old Old English Sheepdog puppy ate TWELVE Fiber One bars. TWELVE. You know what puppies don’t need? FIBER.

  4. Tomorrow we have 400 tarts on order and all I could think about that was “welp, at least I don’t have to look at another jar tomorrow”.

  5. Oh, and maybe you’ve heard Pi(e) Day is this Saturday. We can’t bake anything yet for it, but we sure can overthink about it. We promise.

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