Jeanne-ology: Calm & Happy

Hi There - It is Thursday and Jeanne has finally dropped in with her thoughts on PJP. It’s been a hot minute, so she has lots to say. Enjoy! - Rebecca


Hello Thursday readers!  I bet most of you agree that we are all TIRED OF SNOW!  Hopefully, February will pass quickly and move into spring.  I used to love cold weather but the older I get, the more intolerable it becomes.  My husband is  little depressed because there hasn't been much sun.  Today, I bought him some vitamin D to get him through these cloudy days. (Rebecca editing to add: The early morning should-we-open-or-should-we-close business decisions on snow days had legit aged me 10 years in the last four weeks.)

Yesterday, due to the snow storm heading our way, we didn't have any employees come in.  Just Rebecca and I went in to sell any day old pies at half price. She put it on Facebook and we practically sold out in just a few hours.  I think that was the first time that she and I were working alone in the new store.  It was different and nice.  In between customers, we talked about so many things.  While she handled customers, I was able to make some quiche.  It felt good to be completely stocked on pot pies and quiche.  Of course, thankfully, we will have that stock depleted before the end of the week. (Rebecca editing to add: In our earliest days at PJP Buttonwood, it was always just us. Yesterday was a good reminder of how much we have grown in five years.)

We are now gearing up for Galentine's Day and Valentine’s Day.  I had to ask Rebecca what Galentine’s Day meant.  She gave me the side eye, but did explain it to me.  (Rebecca editing to add: She still didn’t really get it once I explained it to her, but she appreciated understanding the cultural relevance. It all went downhill when I tried to explain Leslie Knope’s theory of “duderuses before uteruses”.)

Other interesting stuff that happened to me this week.  I found a dead deer laying beside our garage.  I am not sure of how it died.  That was on Tuesday. With the snow storm yesterday, we didn't get anything done about removal of the deer.  This morning, backing out of the garage, I ran over it and didn't realize it.  I thought the big bump was a snow clot or something.  My husband called me on the way into the pie shop and told me what I did.  I was shocked, how the dead deer get moved to the driveway?  Going to the grocery store before heading home, I managed to drop a whole six pack of beer on the floor and every bottle busted.  The staff was pleasant and said not to worry about it.  They were nicer than I would have been for cleaning up that mess in the freezer area. (Rebecca editing to add: I just have absolutely nothing to add to this. I knew about the deer, but I didn’t know about the running over it. Also, I heard the beer drop at the grocery store and immediately knew who was responsible.)

Getting home and dropping shopping bags into the water on the garage floor irritated me even more.  I had drove around the mutilated ran over deer in our driveway thinking the day may end better than I thought, then I dropped the grocery bags.  Geez, I like to never made into our house.  I had to deal with wet grocery bags and our dog needed to go outside.  My husband kept asking if there was anything he could do to calm me down?  No, I grunted.  I just put on my lounging clothes and watched Sergeant York on Netflix.  That movie always makes me feel calm and happy. (Rebecca editing to add: I had to Google this movie and it appears to star Gary Cooper and be about war. I have no idea how that is calming, but it seems very on brand for Jeanne.)

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