Bonus Points.

These past few days at PJP haven’t been for the faint of heart. Though really, is any retail for the faint of heart in the week before Christmas? PROBABLY NOT.

Here are the highlights:

  1. Yesterday we shipped out more jars in one day than ever in PJP history. It gets easier, but it never gets easy. (Bonus points if you caught the Jason Isbell reference.)

  2. And in the process, Jeanne cut her hand while cleaning a jar and needed five stitches. Ironically, she brought her own razor blade supply with her to work to assist in cleaning the jars but that isn’t what caused her catastrophe. (Bonus points to Big Tree Medical for their speedy assistance. I feel like they are going to lose money on her, or at least know her on a first name basis.)

  3. Our website crashed yesterday, prompting one of the most frustrating tech support chat conversations I’ve ever had. At one point, I actually typed: “EXPLAIN THIS LIKE I’M FIVE.” At any rate, we fixed it but a few customers had issues accessing it today. (Negative bonus stars to the support person who suggested we tell those customers to “clear their cache” because really?)

  4. I woke up in the middle of the night and stressed about our missing gift cards and also the fact that our hallway by the backdoor desperately needs to be mopped. (Bonus points if your hallway needs to be mopped too. You aren’t alone.)

  5. And finally, I just realized that it is Thursday but I thought it was Friday. Jeanne owns you a long awaited Jeanne-ology but she probably didn’t know it was Thursday either, plus now she’s on the injury list. (Bonus points to you if you can’t wait for her whole perspective on the holiday season.)