Bomb Diggity

It’s time again to take a deep dive into our Google analytics to see which keyword searches landed visitors on the World Pie Domination blog site. As always, the results never fail to disappoint:

  1. Commercial Dishwasher Lease Vs Buy: I’m no expert in leasing versus purchasing, but I can tell you that we’ve washed THOUSANDS of loads of dishes, so I am an expert on the benefits of commercial dishwashers. Here’s what I know: when it breaks (and it will), it is easier to call the leasing company repairperson that comes and fixes it as part of the lease agreement (rather than the $80 an hour just to come look at it guy when you own the equipment). But I’m lazy and cheap that way, so take it for what it is worth to you.

  2. Bill Murray You Are Great: Well, no argument from me. I bet he likes pie too.

  3. Stack Pies: We make an amazing stack pie out of all the various varieties of chess pies. We should talk about it more, or photograph it more, or something about it more.

  4. Response to Bye Felicia: We call each other Felicia as a term of endearment at PJP, once prompting someone to ask “Just how many people named Felicia work here?” The answer is zero, but the response to Bye Felicia is actually also Bye Felicia.

  5. Logistically Speaking: Logistically speaking, I’m terrible at logistics. And much better at just the speaking.

  6. Midlife Blog: Goodness. I’ll assume these searches were looking for blogs written by people who appear much younger than they are due to a regimented skincare routine that includes retinol. Ahem.

  7. PJP Marketing: I’m the president of the marketing division. Oh, and also the only person in the marketing division and that’s just perfect.

  8. Entrepreneurial Advice: I have a lot of entrepreneurial advice. Some days I’m confident that advice is solid and other days, it is a dumpster fire.

  9. Bomb Diggity: I’m not sure I’ve ever said the phrase “that’s the bomb diggity”, but I wouldn’t put it past myself.

  10. Housekeeping Blog: Jeanne’s next project.

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