Blog About This

It’s time again to take a deep dive into our Google analytics to see which keyword searches landed visitors on the World Pie Domination blog site. As always, the results never fail to disappoint:

  1. OMG Blog: Ohhhheeemmmmgeeee. This makes no sense to me. I would guess the actual OMG blog is about celebrity gossip and uses a lot of exclamation points.

  2. Survey Monkey Blog: On the Survey Monkey blog, you can ask questions about surveys to a “survey expert”. Goodness, I hope no one landed here with the intent to discuss surveys with me. Unless they are the kind on Family Feud, because I would slay on that show.

  3. BBQ Blogs: I started to mock this…as in, who reads a blog about BBQ? But then I realized I write a blog about pie, so…

  4. Jean Blog: She owes everyone a blog post this week, right? It’s been a hot minute.

  5. That Funny Blog: For everyone saying the era of the blog is over, there is a lot of blog searching, right?

  6. Housekeeping Blog: See? What the heck? Also, Jeanne has really missed her niche market.

  7. Construction Blog Posts: MAKE IT STOP. Also, I know little about construction except it always costs more and takes longer than expected. And building a pie store is no exception to that rule.

  8. Bleach Blog: WHAT. I bet I could get Jeanne a sponsorship for this. I buy her bleach from our food broker in bulk so I don’t have to listen her lament about being out of bleach every 10 days. Maybe on Thursday, she can write about her top 10 favorite uses of bleach…though, it will hard for her to narrow it down to just 10.

  9. Mike Rowe Blog: Actually, I bet he has a blog and I would totally read it. I wish I would have owned PJP at the height of Dirty Jobs popularity because I would have made it my life’s work to have Mike Rowe come clean out our grease trap.

  10. Pies Blog: Finally, one that makes sense. Remind me to discuss pie here soon.

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