Jeanne-ology: Been A Minute

Many a moon ago, Jeanne used to blog here on Thursdays. I reminded her today that it might be time to jump back into it, but she said: WHAT DO I HAVE TO SAY? And I suggested she say anything since it’s been four months. Ahem. So here we go:


Hello Thursday Readers!   I haven't blogged since the end of October, you might have thought "Why is that?"  I could provide a lot excuses that would include things that I was too tired to think during the Thanksgiving/ Christmas holidays.  I was so tired that I couldn't think or want anyone or my family to ask me anything.  If they did, I would moan and nod my head yes or no.  Rebecca commented to me that I should blog to let everyone know I am still breathing!  She is right and I responded that I don't have anything to say of any consequence!  (Rebecca editing to add: This is where we are completely opposite…when all the things are happening, I have everything to say. When all the things are happening to Jeanne, she wants to go home, put on her robe, and be quiet.)

I could complain about the cold weather, but why? Nothing I can do about it and everyone is anxious for spring. I could write an essay on the amount of dog hair that I sweep up everyday, but what's the point? Dog hair is a small inconvenience to the amount of love and companionship of having a dog. I could go on and on about getting older, but what is the alternative? You guessed it, better to be vertical than horizontal! (Rebecca editing to add: This took a turn rather quickly. But yeah, I guess vertical is better.)

I cannot complain about having bad health because I don't. Turning 70 years old this year, I think that I do well to show up at the pie shop. I don't work as many hours as Rebecca, but that is okay. The pie shop keeps me in balance. I could stay in my house and venture out once a week, I am good at entertaining myself. However, that is not too healthy for me and I miss the social interaction I find at the shop.  PJP has some big ideas in the making.  I do enjoy long term planning and listening to everyone in my family, there is no shortage of opinions!  My grandson and granddaughter have surprised me the most with their creative input into the future of PJP.  I am so proud of them. (Rebecca editing to add: We affectionately refer to her tendency to stay home as “goblin holing” but I don’t let it go on for more than three days because she needs the creativity and social interaction of PJP. Plus people love seeing her there and she refuses to believe that is the truth!)

So as you see, nothing has changed with me, except Rebecca says I am a little more grouchy!   She keeps me in check, and I wish I could be around when she turns 70.  I bet I would recognize myself! (Rebecca editing to add: Probably true. I find myself more and more like her all the time, especially when I’m scrubbing the three vat sink with an SOS pad or being super annoyed when someone doesn’t mop well. If I start cleaning around the toilet base with a razor blade, I’ll consider the transformation complete.)