A Fine Idea

We spent a large chunk of our afternoon day at PJP West End, mapping out with our builder where all the equipment, work tables, and cooling racks will eventually find their homes in the coming month. And today is probably the first time I had a little panic attack called: OMG, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TWO STORES. It was pretty charming, if you consider crying in your car in a parking lot charming. Then I worried that no one will come to PJP West End when we open it. Or, in the alternative, everyone will go to PJP West End and no one will go to PJP Nifong. What I’m saying is that the next four to six weeks are going to be some trying times if you have to deal with me on a regular basis.

Here’s what else is going on:

  1. Last week was our last Epic Pie Tasting of 2021 (and our last time to host it in just one store). The winner of the event was Cranberry Key Lime. We will add it to our refrigerated pie case in lieu of Raspberry Key Lime once the outdoor temperature drops enough to make Cranberry Key Lime not seem weird. The loser of the event was a Molasses Oatmeal pie that looked dubious even in the oven. I know people like molasses in cookies, but it is always sketchy in pie.

  2. We are rotating in a Butterscotch Bourbon Pecan pie starting tomorrow. It won overwhelming support in our last pie tasting, so I ordered 20 pounds of butterscotch chips and we will see how it goes.

  3. Oh, and before I forget, Thanksgiving orders are now open. We had a lot of indecision about adding PJP West End as a pickup location, but finally decided that doing so would definitely jinx our timeline. I’ll predict now that the store will be city approved about 10 business days before Thanksgiving. We like to keep it stressful around here.

  4. And this has nothing to do with anything, but did you know it costs $49 a month to include the A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau on your website? Not even kidding. I didn’t sign up because I give 0/10 stars to any sort of rating that asks you to pay in return.

  5. Finally, after visiting PJP West End today and seeing the high gloss floors for myself, I can testify that they are VERY HIGH GLOSS, INDEED. If Jeanne ever complains about her voice not being heard, I’ll tell her to lean over and look at herself in our reflective floors and get back to me. Today I told her I would be sure to order her tombstone in reflective high gloss so she can carry the theme all the way through. She thought it sounded like a fine idea.