Full Of Activity

This week has been full of activity at PJP, 90% of which isn’t even ripe for discussion just yet. Here is the brief breakdown:

  1. On Monday, we baked 60 six-packs of Jelly Jars for a local business to give as client appreciation gifts. That said, we’ve gotten faster and more efficient over time and we sailed smoothly through calm seas and finished well before pickup. And then just after pickup, we received an order for 237 six packs for November 16th. And then today, a company in Nevada emailed to ask about 500 six packs. Perhaps I should not get a second location and instead get a Jelly Jar factory.

  2. On Tuesday, Jeanne developed a toothache that has lingered all week and kept her at home. She had a dentist appointment this afternoon at 2, though she called me at 12:30 and said she had just started to feel better and maybe she should just not go see the dentist. SERIOUSLY. I demanded she go and in a rare turn of events, she actually listened to me.

  3. On Wednesday, I did every task you could possibly think of at PJP and my house and then laid on my bed and watched TikTok for an hour and would make the persuasive argument that it was really an hour of self-care.

  4. Today, I said so many words to so many different people about so many different things that I can’t believe that I have words for this post. But then, who are we kidding?

  5. This weekend, we have a packed schedule of pie orders and special projects, so we are even working on Sunday. I was reminded earlier today that this Saturday is Halloween AND a full moon AND the time change. All I could think was that I’m 100% using that extra hour to waste on TikTok.

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