14 Days

We visited PJP West End today for the first time since before the Christmas holidays. Today was our scheduled walk-thru with Beacon Street Construction to finalize what needs to be finished before we schedule our city and health department inspections. Over the last few weeks, the space has really turned the corner to look significantly like a PJP. Whew.

In short, here’s a solid list of what we need to do before February 2nd:

  1. We need to visit Ikea and buy a few thousand dollars worth of spatulas, whisks, bowls, and more. And preferably on a weekday when Ikea isn’t super busy and we look like a bunch of weirdos with multiple carts off kitchen supplies.

  2. We need to put all the acrylics on the front doors and windows, like our logo, our hours, and more. And by we, I mean Jeanne because I’m not patient enough to hang each acrylic straight and meticulously scrub out the air bubbles with a plastic card.

  3. There’s no furniture yet in the space, but for the front cash wrap and our work tables. We need to buy some pieces, like a cute table at the front counter between the Square registers. And we need to assemble merchandising displays that have been in our storage container since last fall.

  4. Oh, and we need to merchandise the entire space.

  5. We need to order dishwasher chemicals and the dishwasher guy needs to come and calibrate the dishwasher so we are certain the chemicals are in balance before the health department arrives. Because they will check, for sure.

  6. We’ve ordered desks, chairs, and lighting for our office. That all needs to be delivered and placed and the office needs to be decorated.

  7. Food needs to be ordered and stocked on our new shelving and refrigerators and freezers.

  8. Oh, and the refrigerators and freezers need to be unboxed. And the ovens need the racks placed.

  9. We also need to unbox our three new KitchenAide mixers. I call dibs on making whipping cream in one of those first.

  10. The new pie display needs to be delivered and centered and secured on the wall. And then finally…we need to make all the pies to go in the cubbies of the new display.

So that’s a just a few things, right? 14 days to go.